Sammler Journal

Gemi Verlag is proud to present the re-launch of the Sammler Journal, Germany’s largest collector’s magazine for 35 years. E-Mail us for a free copy of Sammler Journal, for your persual.


The publisher has been able to divide the theme areas so successfully, that each target group can find its ideal magazine.
Sammler Journal is a medium for the art and antique collector. Further topics are design objects, valuable toys, ceramics etc, as well as themes around and about auctions and exhibitions.

The very capable editorial team – with amongst others five art historians on staff, will take every possible step to present the contents of the Sammler Journal even more interestingly and attractively. The editorial team is intensively supported by freelance authors, and the most recognised experts and specialists in the art and antique scene.


Price List Subscription Web Page


Extract of Contents

 Dialogue & Letters your questions are answered by experts
 Magazine many informative articles
 Literature tips literature tips for collectors
 Auction calendar up-to-date monthly listing of coming events
 Records everything to do with records
 Online tips online tips in www
 Prices flea markets
 Prices internet auctions
 Prices auctions


We feel sure that after having perused the new Sammler Journal, you will be convinced that subscription or the advertisement of your products is the only answer to up-to-date information, or the only way to reach the many interested collectors all over Europe and in the United States.


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